Is VapeshopSG a Trusted Seller?

The sale of vaping products in VapshopSG is illegal here in Singapore. Under the new laws, which will be enacted on Nov 1, any sort of electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), such as vape devices are banned under the Tobacco (Control of Advertisements and Sale) Act. This law bans all local businesses including VapeshopSG from retailing, importing or distributing e-juices and vaping kits in Singapore. A first-time sellers could potentially be fined as much as SG$10,000 plus be imprisoned for up to six months each or between three years to five years in jail.

Although VapeshopSG may exist, it seems likely that this is a questionable enterprise as far as Singaporean law goes. Back in 2022, Singaporean authorities seized over 6k illegal vape products — those caught selling are punished quite harshly by the law. This underscores continued enforcement activities targeting the sale and distribution of vaping products in the U.S. VapeshopSG may market itself as a seller, but its very presence breaks Singaporean law — regulations on vaping are not only strict in this country; it is outright banned.

Globally, in legal vaping markets, established vendors generally provide consumers with transparency on sourcing and compliance with regulations; as well as after-sales service… However, in the case of Singapore’s black market vape, none of these assurances hold true. So anyone who buys from VapeshopSG-owned business would be by definition in possession of contraband vape products and will be fined or imprisoned.

Health Minister Ong Ye Kung has also doubled down on the government’s position against vaping, saying: ”Vaping poses serious health risks … including addiction.” It said the statement reflected its tough stance on vaping to preserve public health and discourage addiction to nicotine’s, particularly among youth.

There can be dire consequences for those looking to buy from vapeshopsg (and other black-market vendors) and it is important to appreciate these risks in light of the fact that vaping products are illegal in Singapore. Under Singaporean law, there are stiff penalties for any transactions involving vape products. You can find more information about those risks at vapeshopsg.

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